Battery Match Battery Match

Long-duration energy storage with advanced lead-carbon battery system in southeastern China

Batteries provide up to 10 hours of power to local energy intensive industries and help to keep the grid stable

About the case study

This long-duration energy storage (LDES) system made of advanced lead-carbon batteries is currently the largest of its kind in the world.

Connected to Huzhou's main electricity grid since March 2023, the installation is helping to reduce energy costs to industries and citizens by providing an alternative power source at peak rates. These systems bring significant advantages such as low investment cost and rapid return on investment, and low carbon footprint with long design life and material with high recycling rates.

Technical Summary

LocationHuzhou, Zhejiang Province, China
Project launchMarch 2023
Construction time3 months
Size of the system1000 MWh (1 GWh) energy, 100 MW power; 10 hour system
Battery type3 million 2 V advanced lead-carbon AGM batteries
Battery providerbatteries were made in China, by Tianneng Power

LDES system made of advanced lead-carbon batteries in Huzhou, China. Source: China Daily

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