Beamline meets battery: scientists collaborate to study advanced batteries using neutron diffraction
Energy storage systems (ESS)
24 months
The project aims to gain a deeper understanding of the charge/discharge processes occurring in a lead battery using neutron-scattering experiments, to directly enhance the performance of ESS lead batteries.
This is a new approach which has never been used before to study lead batteries.
If successful, it will be able to be extended to explore other parts and processes of lead batteries.
Exide Technologies, INMA.
INMA have designed the first prototypes of a new lead battery, specifically intended for neutron experiments.
A range of characterization work and feasibility studies have been undertaken to optimize the prototype of neutron-scattering work.
The next step of the project is to conduct extensive neutron diffraction work to probe the fundamentals of lead batteries.
Using neutron diffraction and tomography, the growth and dissolution mechanisms of different active material species will be studied and evaluated under charge regimes relevant for ESS.
The new understanding is expected to improve the energy efficiency and the Partial State-of-Charge (PSoC) cycle life of batteries for ESS:
- This encompasses renewable energy applications such as wind and solar ESS, which typically require excellent PSoC performance.
The research underway ties directly into the new research goals of CBI’s Technical Roadmap, where improving cycle life and energy efficiency have been identified as a key priority research goals for ESS lead batteries.