Opportunity Fast Charging and Improved Energy Throughput for Motive Power Applications
Electric Applications Incorporated, C&D Technologies and Trojan Battery Company (USA)
January 2023 – present
This project aims to investigate ways to enhance opportunity and fast charging protocols and improve total energy throughput of AGM technology for motive power applications.
Initial results
• 2V AGM cells with different carbon additives used in the negative plate paste were prepared to test different MTCC* charging profiles.
• A new MTCC* charging profile was established after insights obtained from half-cell potential studies and monitoring of capacity changes.
• Two sets of 8V AGM battery samples were manufactured to verify charging method developed for 2V cells.
• Cycle life testing of 8V AGM batteries and of one 48V AGM string is ongoing.
*MTCC: Multi-step Tapering Current Charging
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Project kick off news release